Paella Experience

Join us for a Paella Experience in Granada. Step away from the tourist traps, and sample an authentic Spanish dish with other travellers. We'll spend the afternoon cooking paella, learning about Spanish culture and history, then eat as much of our creation as we can eat before it gets cold! It's a great way to get connected with your fellow travellers and see a side of Granada that few tourists ever see.

shopping for ingredients

The Classic vs The Vegetable Option

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Support Our Kindergarden "Forest Schooling" Method

Our 'forest school' with Montessori experts in early development and communication, has been alive since 2018 and ongoing a new life of its own. Support our project by having your "Paella Experience" arranged here, in a rural location, just a step away from Granada's city center.

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Bilingual Experience

Whether it is for experiencing and learning the subtle secrets of a good Spanish Paella, to practise your Spanish skills in a culturally rich and diverse environment, or just to enjoy socialising around a nice cooking and dining event, in an outdoor context, our Paella Experience in Granada is ready for you and your group.

price per person


The price is per person, and we will go ahead with a minimum of 6 participants, or private groups willing to cover this minimum group cost.

Lectus mauris

Hungry for more?

Our tours and experiences in Granada are designed to provide you a deep insight into the rich fusion of our unique hometown, Granada and beyond into Andalusia Spain.

This is a sample experience for you to consider, if you are a travel professional, local tour guide or experience provider, educator, nature guide, venue owner, or simply have a great idea for others to share while in Granada, Spain or surrounding aread, please get in touch!

Workshop and event venues

Do you teach anything?

We can do great things toguether towards a rich and sustainable local development. One where travellers can go beyond the more 'commercial' and standard tourist options, and where locals can share a deeper, more conscious experience, keeping to a sustainable tourism development plan where the city and its livelihood are made a part of and not simply invaded by waves of uncontrolled global leisure development Click here to get in touch and talk Or simply, Talk to me!.